People, Napoleon astutely observed, do not want to be free. They think they do, but no, they want to be led, and nowhere do we see the truth of this more clearly than in the way in which certain words and expressions are taken up and achieve near ubiquitous currency. Long-time readers of mine will know that the trajectory of words – particularly slang words – interests me: who is it who first uses a particular word in a slang way? How does that word gain critical mass?…But there is no mystery around how a word achieves world domination once it has reached critical mass, That’s courtesy of a whole heap of sheep clambering on board.
years ago the word, the phrase in UK business and corporate circles was
‘Going forward…’ You suddenly couldn’t move in this country for guys
and girls in suits saying, ‘Dah, dah-dah-, going forward, dah dah,
dah…’ They weren’t using it, of course, to enhance clarity or to
improve their spoken English – most of the time the phrase was used
redundantly. No, they were using it to ‘sound the part’, to solidify
their business-player credentials. Presumably, some financial hotshot
used the phrase originally, and then all business types, or arts company
leaders keen to show that they were now properly business-minded,
adopted it ad nauseam. (Much of the world of Suits is, of course, a
scam. Management consultants, PR people, psychologists, etc. You wear a
suit, have a decent accent, use phrases like ‘Going Forward…’ and, on
the strength of those, charge somebody £500 an hour)
And then,
two to three years ago, the word became ‘Iconic’. I haven’t been able to
turn on the radio or the telly or open a newspaper without someone
using that word since. It’s just been crazy. Rarely in my lifetime have I
seen a word so overused.
Me and ‘Iconic’, or, more precisely,
‘Iconoclast’ go back a long way. It was one of three funky new words I
once plucked from a book – a cricket book, I think it was.
‘Iconoclast’, ‘prodigious’, I forget the third… I added them to my
little ‘Words’ notebook and thought, ‘Yeah, Diran, you’re moving to the
major leagues, vocab-wise…’ I admit I did hammer ‘iconoclast’ for a
while: every school assignment – it could be Science homework, I didn’t
care, I would try to get ‘iconoclast’ in there. But I was eight, and
there was a kind of honesty to it: me showing my excitement, developing a
prose personality …
The media (the chief culprits here), have
no such excuse. For them, in their typically lazy, truth-shy and
sensationalising way, ‘Iconic’ has become this shorthand to add a
usually spurious lustre or grandeur or sense of importance to a matter.
If you’re doing a report about some event or an actor or a football
match or a festival, call it ‘Iconic’.
When Michael Jackson
passed a couple of years ago, my first thought, as I posted on old
Facebook ar the time, was, ‘Oh no, now we’re gonna hear ‘Iconic’ more
than ever…’ And we did and, for once, to be fair, it was fair enough
for the media to rinse that word. But what was definitely disturbing, to
me, was how much your average semi-literate Brit intoned the word
‘Iconic’ in all the Vox Pops that followed. I mean, if somebody asked
you how you felt about some artist or statesman who’s just died, you
don’t say first of all, ‘he/she was iconic’. You think about a
performance he gave or a speech he made, and your response is anchored,
is tinged with that remembrance. ‘Iconic’ is an historian’s, an
analyst’s word. And, believe me, most of these people did not look like
they would have known what ‘Iconic’ was if Iconic had hit them on the
head a year or so earlier. You could see that, rather than the balls or
the honesty to actually think about what they felt, they were reaching
for the acceptable word to use, based on what they had heard in the
media that day and the previous months of ‘Iconic’ battery. It reminded
me of the whole ‘Role model’ bollox. Now, if a child fails at school or a
man sleeps with someone other than his ever-loving wife, rather than
being prompted into a bout of self-examination, they talk about the lack
or poor quality of Role Models, because it’s allowed – it’s all over
the public discourse. They’ll say it, and everybody will nod.
notice advertisers are increasingly jumping on the ‘Iconic’
bandwagon, As I’ve been writing this, I’ve heard, from the TV behind
me, ‘Iconic’ being used in three ads – for some new Jeep and for the new
Paul Simon and Paul McCartney albums. And when I switched the TV
channel – ‘cos I don’t care for ads even at their better, uniconic
times – to my default station, the BBC World Service, I was greeted by
reporter Matt Frei using the word four times in eight minutes, on the
show ‘Americana’. Four times! I met Matt in DC a few years back –
seemed a nice, bright guy with an interestingly large number of Nigerian
friends, but Matt, my man, that was poor. Don’t they have editors at
the World Service anymore?
The advertisers-media interface
around this shouldn’t surprise, I guess. The latter seems increasingly
about selling too. Even the BBC is not ad-free anymore (thick, these
days, with ads about itself).
A decade or so ago, for my own
slightly mad reasons, I began keeping a list of every time I heard or
read ‘Africa’ being referred to as if it was one country, or even a
city, rather than a continent, in the media ‘The terrorist attacks in
Kabul, Mumbai and Africa,’ etc etc etc. No wonder Sarah Palin was
confused). I stopped when I got to about a thousand instances. (Still
got the list. Maybe I should embroider all the text on a massive sheet
and become a celebrated YBA). Anyway, I’ve been doing the same with
‘Iconic’. The entries for 2009 and 2010 might exhaust even the
internet’s bandwidth. But let me give you, without further ado, a
little flavour of Iconic 2011…
‘Now, on Channel 4, the iconic
British film, Get Carter…’ ‘Alex Zane interrogates Kieffer Sutherland
about his iconic role on ’24’ “they attacked some of our most iconic
places,” (London deputy mayor Kit Malthouse,) ‘Franklin Graham, son of
iconic Christian evangelist Billy Graham…’ ‘Paul Daniel’s wig, an
iconic piece of TV history,’ ‘The ‘iconic’ Hove and Portsmouth seat won
by Blair in 2005..’ ‘the iconic English brand Cadbury,’ ‘Mrs Thatcher’s
Iconic handbag,’ ‘The Savoy’s iconic ‘American’ bar…’ ‘the iconic
Skylon,’ ‘the regeneration area between Westway and Paddington is one of
London’s iconic projects.’ ‘iconic locations such as Lindisfarne
castle in Northumberland… ‘the iconic parliament building,’ ‘the
iconic site on which Britain’s oldest house has just been found’
the BBC traces the iconic neighbourhood’s changing fortunes.’ ‘BBC
Radio 6 is a station that brings together the cutting edge of today and
the iconic and groundbreaking music of the past 40 years.”
Stewart performs some of his iconic hits that made him a music
legend…’‘A new song collection from one of the most iconic artists of
all time, (Paul Simon)’, ‘The iconic solo albums Macartney and
Macartney 2’ ‘the iconic Arnold Schwarzenenegger’, ‘the iconic Marvin
Gaye ‘s What’s Going On’.
A few press releases: ‘Don’t miss!
This is the sensational live show of the iconic 70s movie that exploded
legend Jimmy Cliff and Reggae onto the world stage’ ‘Find our work
inside and outside three iconic buildings, Royal Festival Hall, Queen
Elizabeth Hall and The Hayward…’ ‘Angela featured in the iconic 1981
film Burning an Illusion’ ‘This wild, hot and about to happen new trio
mixes iconic vocalist/bassist Binise’s Congolese roots with Miriam
Makeba covers…’
More BBC: ‘ the iconic Aushcwitz gates’. ‘the
death of the iconic Bill Mclaren -‘The President picks up an iconic
award.’ ‘And now, behind the scenes of an iconic hotel,’ ‘To mark 25
years of Black Adder, the iconic cast of Black Adder…’ ‘Did you jump
at the chance to be in this iconic film (Brighton Rock)? ‘ ‘Now,
playing us out with one of her most iconic songs,’ (Kirsty Wark,
. ‘I think it is iconic and highly significant’ UK
Defence Secretary Liam Fox on Bin Laden’s death. (said four times in
three minutes in a BBC Radio interview)
Animals: ‘The return of
the iconic’ wildlife series on ITV…’ ’let’s talk about one of the most
iconic animals – the panda’ (World Service). ‘After years of living
with nature’s most iconic predator, a man with a tiger…’
sport: ‘It was an iconic, football-changing moment’ (journalist Alyson
Rudd talking about Paul Gascoigne’s tears at Italia ’90), ‘Manny Pacquia
is the icon of the poor’ (World Service’) ‘The Iconic number 10 shirt
of Wales, (Presenter Gabby Logan, then repeated by her guest),. ‘When I
got there I saw this iconic stadium’ (West Ham owner David Gold) ‘There
was none of the iconic blue and red white smoke at last weekend’s
Superclasico between Boca and River Plate..’
‘Here are the
iconic images of this tour’ ( Sky Sports) ’Don’t miss your chance to see
the most iconic team in the world. Brazil vs Scotland…’ (‘Talk
Sport.) ‘One of Brazil’s new iconic players,’ ‘You can buy the iconic
Ford Transit,’ (Talk Sport, plugging their sponsors), ‘As Zidane
walked past the iconic trophy (‘World Cup Most Shocking Moments’ show)
‘The premiership is an iconic league.’ ‘Bobby Charlton, football icon’
‘The Icons of English football’ (a series in ‘The Mirror’)
‘Princess Di’s iconic dresses’, the ‘iconic beauty and luxury in a
compact size’ of some new Jeep or other, ‘and here in Australia’s most
iconic city’, ‘the iconic DCI Jack Meadows of ‘The Bill’ ‘ ‘The Bill –
this iconic TV classic ‘, ‘the iconic sexual frustrations’ of Mildred,
(of ‘George and Mildred’, a long-forgotten British TV comedy), some BBC
TV trailer for their comedy season, that ended with an actress I didn’t
recognize saying ‘iconic’ to camera. (she was possibly being ironic –
let’s hope so) and, finally, one of those ‘clips and c**ts’ TV shows,
‘Pop’s greatest dance crazes’, which used the word oh, about, 30 times
in an hour.
Enough, I think you will agree, already.
Boy! When Mandela dies, it’s gonna be ugly.